You don’t need to be registered to be able to shop on However, we recommend you create an account to access exclusive areas and services dedicated to our customers and to speed up your future purchases.
Discover our best offers directly from the homepage, by browsing the categories you are most interested in or by using the "search" field at the top of each page (with the "magnifying glass" symbol).
Each datasheet contains all the information needed to safely purchase your favourite product: from the detailed description and the composition of the materials, to the weight and measurements. You can choose the colour option you want and check realtime availability. Click on the product image to enlarge it and to view all the details.
Select the colour option you prefer (by clicking on the corresponding box) and the quantity desired.
Add the product to the cart.
Continue your shopping or go to the cart by clicking on the cart icon located at the top right of the page.
On the shopping cart page, select the type of shipment and the destination country.
Choose how to check out: log in using the registration data that you already have or continue as an "unregistered user".
Fill in the shipping and billing form.
Choose the payment method.
Finally, check that the information is correct and click on "Purchase".
In a few moments you will receive an order confirmation email with all the details of your purchase. From this point, we will take care of everything and will email you to let you know that your order has been shipped, along with the courier’s tracking information.
You can access your order history at any time to check its status and outcome or as an "unregistered user" you can enter the order number in the space provided on the "Track your order" page.