Our sustainability policies,
our certifications

The most reliable
forest management
solution in the world.
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Foppa Pedretti S.p.a. has been FSC® certified (ICILA-COC-000199) since 2007, embracing a policy of environmental sustainability by choosing responsible consumption of raw materials ever since.

The FSC® Chain of Custody certification provides a credible guarantee that FSC®-certified products are composed of material from well-managed FSC®-certified forests, recycled materials and other controlled sources.

All FOPPAPEDRETTI products labelled FSC® are certified. This certification guarantees, in a correct and transparent way, the origin of the wood used in the construction of each certified product, as coming from well-managed forests and other controlled sources.

Ask for our FSC®-certified products so you can surround yourself with our excellence while keeping the forests full of life.
Policy for fundamental
of FSC® work
The strength of our Company is the commitment and professionalism of all those who work within it. From the awareness that human assets are the true added value of our organisation, the primary objective is to create an environment in which all employees and workers are put in the best conditions to perform their work, and in particular:
understand the needs and expectations of human resources;

strengthening the spirit of collaboration;

facilitate internal relations by consolidating a climate of cooperation within and between the various sectors and functions;

involve all employees directly and systematically in the life of the company.
To this end, Foppa Pedretti S.p.A. guarantees compliance with requirement 7 of the standard for Chain of Custody Certification FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1, relating to fundamental labour rights, as set out below.
Rejection of the use of child labour in the production cycle+
No personnel under the age of 18 are employed at the company's production site.
Rejection of the use of forced or compulsory labour+
The employment of staff against their will and the use of any form of labour under threat of punishment is prohibited. Working relationships with all employees are voluntary and based on mutual consent, without any form of direct or indirect threat by the employer on staff. All terms and conditions of employment are set out in the employment contract (ref. CCNL Legno Industria) which is signed by the employee, at the time of hiring, for his or her voluntary and conscious acceptance. To date, Foppa Pedretti has never been involved in lawsuits or litigation or settlements for conduct involving physical or sexual violence, bonded labour, withholding of wages, restriction of mobility, withholding of passports and/or identity documents.
Right to health and safety in the workplace+
Foppa Pedretti S.p.A. implements a careful risk assessment and an adequate training programme. The workers have also elected a Workers' Safety Representative (RLS) as required by Legislative Decree 81/08.
Respect for trade union freedom and collective bargaining+
Foppa Pedretti S.p.A. does not and will not hinder the election of trade union representatives or trade union membership of its employees. Trade union representatives will not be discriminated against and company collective bargaining is promoted, in addition to the application of the CCNL for the wood industry. A trade union agreement is currently in force, and until 31/12/2023, for the provision of a performance bonus and employee welfare measures. Regular meetings are held with the trade unions.
Right to equal pay for men and women and absence of discrimination+
Any impropriety that undermines the right to equal pay for men and women for equal work is prohibited. The right to equal opportunities must also be respected during recruitment or dismissal and in the case of promotion and training. Any form of discrimination, including exclusion or preference based on race, gender, age, religion, political opinion, nationality or social class is prohibited.
Working hours and salary+
Foppa Pedretti S.p.A. guarantees that employees' pay and benefits are in compliance with current legislation, national labour contracts, and company trade union agreements. Within Foppa Pedretti S.p.A., working hours, holiday and overtime regulations comply with the law, the provisions of the wood industry CCNL and the company trade union agreement.
This FSC Labour Rights Policy is reviewed periodically for adequacy in view of changes in legislation, the requirements of its code of conduct and other company requirements.
Copyright © - Foppa Pedretti S.p.A. Via Alessandro Volta,11 - 24064 Grumello D/Monte (BG) - ITALY | VAT ID 00223130162